Visiting Dili, it seems less afdol if not taking the time to stop by a traditional market in dili, because here there are many cash for souvenirs timor, such as tais. Tais or Tatais is distinctive woven weave East Timorese.
There are many motives, but generally the basic motif that is sold in the form of a line of red vine tendrils Generally blend of black, yellow and black light green yellow.In Tais Market, the average price of nonwovens for size 1 mtrx 40 cm sold about 5-6 usd dollars. To bed cover sold for usd 120-240.
If Tais Market is expected to become a tourist attraction, there should be a booth that is used as a performance, for example, the demo shows how to weave. That way, tourists will be interested and appreciative to buy fabrics.

Museum with an area of 43 988 square meters of houses serving Los Palos. The main building houses is called Uma Lauten or dagada.Building stilts with four poles as high as three meters, the building is rectangular with a slender towering palm roof, wooden walls, with many windows. The main beam in the form of wooden beams steel while using eucalyptus poles are tied with rattan rope.Inside the main building exhibited goods typical of East Timor, including tableware, traditional clothing, traditional weapons, traditional musical instruments, handicrafts, woven from the leaves tal, ceramic or Manatutu, typical woven fabric of East Timor / tais, and various snails of the island of Atauro , Also shown photographs of the beauty of East Timor, the statue of Christ the King and also a photograph showing that East Timor had been a part of the Homeland.
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